I am a CS graduate student and former public school teacher of nearly a decade. My research interests include applications of natural language processing in the context of education, ethics of AI and technology, and user design.


Programming Languages

Python (NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, spaCy, Seaborn, BeautifulSoup, Matplotlib), C/C++, R, SQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Frameworks & Development Tools

React, Node.js, Hugo, Bulma, Git, VS Code, Visual Studio

Design & Prototyping

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, Figma

Research Tools

ATLAS.ti, Covidence

Research Methods & Processes

Usability evaluations (café studies, think alouds, heuristic evaluations, cognitive walkthroughs), personnae development, prototyping, user studies (focus groups, interviews), questionnaire development, participatory design, research ethics board applications, systematic literature reviews

Spoken Languages

English (fluent)

Spanish (fluent)

French (intermediate proficiency)


mail arevalo [at] ualberta [dot] ca



Master of Science, Computing Science (in progress)


University of Alberta

Bachelor of Science in Computing Science, with Distinction


University of Alberta

Bachelor of Education, with Distinction


University of Alberta


Research Assistant


Project: UNESCO working group on the ethics of AI in Education (AIED) for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

Research Assistant


Project: Investigating ICTs to Support the Sociopolitical Engagement of Indigenous Women Across the Americas.

Teaching Assistant


Course: Algorithms I.

Elementary Teacher

2013 - 2021

Planned, developed, and implemented lessons and assessments in Spanish and English in all Kindergarten to Grade Six subject areas according to Alberta curriculum.


Arevalo & Epp (2023). Prisons as Sites of Inequitable Educational Opportunities: Exploring the Potential for Educational Technology Behind Bars. In review.
McDonald & Arevalo et al. (2023). Managing TAs at Scale: Investigating the Experiences of Teaching Assistants in Introductory Computer Science. In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S '23). Association for Computing Machinery.
Cai, Rebolledo-Mendez, Arevalo, Tang, Abdullah, & Demmans Epp. (2023). Understanding Learner Affect and Cognitive Load in Game-Based Learning. Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). Association for Computing Machinery. In review.

Research Projects

(Current) When Reading Acts as a Gatekeeper to Learning: Automated Science Text Simplification to Support Children’s Learning.