Project: Bird Flight Game

About the Project

Birdflight is a simple keyboard-based game where a bird must be moved to avoid balloons moving in its direction. The idea was to practice creating a game that included some kind of ’enemy’ (i.e., the balloons). The objective of the game is to last as long as possible without getting hit by a balloon. Points are obtained for every second the bird does not get hit. The game begins with an introduction menu that waits for the player to press any key to begin. When the bird hits a balloon, a “Game Over” screen will be displayed and the user will be given the option to play again or to quit altogether. The user also has a Help Menu (CTRL + H), and can Pause (P key) the game at any time. Music can be toggled on and off with CTRL + M.

Technical Details

The game was written in C using the free Allegro 4 game library game library. I created basic pixel sprites in Adobe Photoshop for the game.


Interface Screenshots

Initial Menu:


Help Menu:

Game Over:

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