About the Project

Home Run is a tile-based platform game inspired by an adventurous commute home. The overall game design was intended to be upbeat and cheerful, which was supported through the choice of background and music.

The player must jump and run across platforms to get to their home. They earn a score only when they get to the end. The game begins with an introduction screen, and the player must indicate their intention to play by pressing a key on the keyboard.

The game then begins immediately, with the character sprite falling from the left part of the sky onto the first platform. The player must move the character with the arrow keys and press spacebar to jump onto the different platforms and avoid the water. Falling into the water will result in a ‘Game Over’ at which point the player can choose to play again.

If the player makes it all the way to the end, they will be greeted by a image of their home and upon jumping towards it will be met with a “Game Won!” menu. At this point there are no further levels and the player will only be permitted to replay, as well as to see their final score.

Technical Details

The game was created in C using the free Allegro 4 game library and Mappy Tile Map Editor. Images were created in Adobe Photoshop.


Interface Screenshots

Initial Menu:


Help Menu:

Game Over:

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